New Catalogue Autore Chocolate autumn-winter 2020/2021

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Difficult periods are always followed by a rebirth,  Autore Chocolate is marked by a project that makes proud, strengthens and reinforces  a reality like ours, that has never stopped searching growth opportunities, relying on collaborations that have enriched our cornerstones of craftsmanship, quality and style.

Autore Chocolate has created the new product catalogue autumn-winter season 2020-2021 in collaboration with an important reality of Neapolitan craftsmanship: The “Legatoria Artigiana” a magic place situated in heart of Naples where together with the director of photography, Marcello Merenda we decided to set the photos for the launch of the new Autore Chocolate products for the next season.

This partnership reminds us how handcrafted products represent a rare and precious patrimony for present and future generations, in fact, stealing a quote from the bookbinders who collaborated with us, we strongly believe in the importance of "human work done with the hands, thought with the mind and made with the heart ".

The art of ligature, typical of the Neapolitan craftsmen, seemed to be the perfect partnership for the project, who shared the ideals of attention and dedication with the Legatoria Artigiana Napoletana the creation of products that increasingly expanded towards the search for innovative models and materials.

Followed by a strong interest, we created a new and revolutionary catalogue, full of details starting from the choice of the paper we used for the confectioneries that we will launch for the new season.

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