Once upon a time...

...there was Antonio, a young and promising manager, that after finishing his studies in Italy lived and worked in The Netherlands. His dream was to create a business on his own, linked to his roots and to the traditional recipes. The only place where this could be possible was the little town where he grew up.

And so he did.

His land is called San Marco dei Cavoti, his roots are in the Campania region and the traditional recipe is the “croccantino”, a chocolate treat made with shell fruit and caramel that was brought by the Romans of the old Empire (in a basic form).

Antonio, very keen on his idea, wanted something more. A copper cauldron, hazelnuts and almonds were not enough. He wanted to create new recipes and combinations. He was not scared to dare!

Today he is still faithful to the copper cauldron, to selected ingredients and furthermore his creativity and courage took over.

Our Values


Like all the nice stories this one also has a happy ending.

Antonio Autore has created a brand that is very much appreciated and a dynamic company where he works with 20 employees in the peak season. His chocolate products, confectioned in pastel color packging are sold in over 500 gourmet stores in Italy, exported in many other countries and his new recipes keep on coming!

To be continued...


Rewriting the Tradition

Antonio Autore tells about San Marco dei Cavoti, the small city in southern Italy where he was born and where he created his chocolate factory.

The video shows how each Croccantino is made according to the recipe and the original procedure and how communication and packaging innovate the whole experience.