Cibus: the Italian Food Event for the Big Only

The Agrobusiness is one of the few Italian Industry growing in sales volume, export, and employment nevertheless the economic stagnation. This why the Cibus event is highly considered, being the main food event in our country. It’s a place for big business, where the smaller ones have few possibilities to stand out.
We went there, not as exhibitor, but as our own correspondent!
A place for many, but just if you are a big one
Cibus is a huge trade show, you’ll get lost and tired visiting every booths. It’s important to be there for understanding new trends while understanding that if a lot of slants are new, the basic thing don’t really change. What does that mean? The public statements from politicians for instance: it’s important to highlight the critical role of the agribusiness in Italy, we need the government to take fast reforms and Europe is playing a key role in regulamentation… usually the typical statement would be pretty much like:
“While we look to the future with positivity, we still can not affirm to be out of the difficult economic situation, unfortunately Italy… ” – Typical political jargon
Honestly it seems to us having heard those kind of speech too many times. We are also tired to be over charged to get a small booth at the edge of the main stands, where nobody cares.
Why we went to Cibus
Alberto from Pastificio Gentile based in Gragnano town with Antonio Autore from AutoreChocolate.
We then decided to go to Cibus as a public visitor to meet up with some friends, colleagues and to get to know potential partners. Here some catch from our food-trip.
FriulTrota is a business introducing itself with a great statement:
We are against the uniformity of tastes and fast food, we do not follow trends, we want to be together, we want to eat healthy and well – Pighin Joseph, founder of Friultrota
Antonio Autore and FriulTrota at Cibus2014 (you should visit their website, it’s so nice!)
They raise trouts avoiding intensive farming techniques, in soil pool (usually they are made out of concrete). If you like smoked salmon you need to try this truly Made in Italy food. Moreover: they just launched the new citrus flavoured trouts!
Chatting with Xiaowen Huang
Xiaowen Huang is the founder of Clubalogue. In this picture she is talking with Antonio Autore at Cibus 2014. China is near to Italy, more than you may expect!
Xiaowen Huang is the founder of Clubalogue. You can see her talking with Antonio about some interesting ideas, like: how to bring the best “Croccantino” in the world to the other side of the world. Obviously this is not just a matter of geographical distance for an artisanal producer like we are. Xiaowen is from Taiwan, she loves Italy and she knows our food even better than many other Italians. It was very nice talking to her. She is always looking for something new and special, we were so happy than she gave us new energy for going further with our idea. For sure we will tell you more about her in the future.
The Italian way to beer Food Design
Artisanal beer: Via dei Birrai 32
One of the things we love so much about beer is the smell of freedom and variety. Let’s be honest, Italians take wine so seriously that we don’t trust a bottle if it’s out of certain design rules. But beer is different, you can try very different tastes and shapes and colours. Via dei Birrai 32 is not only a great beer, it’s also a great example of marketing and numeric naming (the same usually happens with cars), minimal design and strong impact.
What’s next
A surprising Fiat500 car model at Cibus 2014 brought you by Agromonte.
We met many friends here. We learnt that “under ages” business can go where the “adult” play, to grow strong and try not to forget the best meaning of remain kid inside.
If you liked these pictures and you want more, go to our Facebook page (or our other social networks), click Like and Follow. In a few days we’ll be publishing Find the pictures shoot by Paolo Di Cerbo, SannioLovers on here. We thank Paolo for his beautiful images.
Do you find any differences between Italy and your place?
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