Chocolate makes us addicted? Discover it!

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Following the epidemic of obesity sweeping the U.S., and many other countries, during the last years there have been studies concluding that some people experience a reaction of intense pleasure and craving while eating chocolate. Some of these studies say the reactions are similar to the effects caused by some drugs.

Again we asked Giovanni Spinarelli how true are those assumptions.

Addiction is usually considered as a strong need to assume a substance, to crave it till losing control and becoming addicted. The assumption of the substance becomes out of control no matter of the obvious side effects. There are studies that found out such behaviours can be linked with food including sugar and fat, like chocolate. The phenylalanine and tryptophan effect of pleasure on the central nervous system can influence the addictive behaviours.

Basically we can not say chocolate is addictive by itself, but it is among those substances that in certain conditions and with certain individuals they can be a reason for addiction. It’s actually the substance usage, more than the chocolate itself, that has a role in developing addictive behaviours.” – Giovanni Spinarelli

What’s your personal experience about that? Do you think chocolate is nothing than another sweet food?

Photo: Giovanni Spinarelli, psychologist expert in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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